About Us

Kid S.M.A.R.T. (Support for Medication, Assessment, Research, and Therapy) is a nonprofit organization in Nashville, Tennessee. Our goal is to support youth and families in our region who have limited access to high-quality mental health services as a result of economic hardship and/or systemic racial disparities. Learn more about how we got here.

  • Youth from low-income families with developmental or acquired medical conditions that impact their day-to-day life at home, at school, and/or in social relationships.

    • traumatic/hypoxic brain injury

    • seizure disorder

    • pediatric brain cancer/tumor

    • hydrocephalus

    • cerebral palsy

    • congenital heart defect

    • prematurity

    • prenatal substance exposure

  • Neuropsychologists are uniquely trained to help families understand brain-behavior relationships to make connections between a child’s medical history and their challenges in everyday life. We use compassion and curiosity to create roadmaps with families and ensure that each child has an opportunity to reach their unique potential.

    Unfortunately, there are only a handful of pediatric neuropsychologists in the greater Nashville area, and many families do not have the time or resources to access the individualized care they need. We will provide families with scholarships as well as a list of vetted, qualified providers to reduce the health inequities experienced by many families in our community.

  • Nashville is a very diverse city, but the population served outside of large hospital systems in smaller, more specialized private practices does not reflect that. There is significant economic disparity in access to specialty mental healthcare. Lower income families often face discrimination, stigma, or bias when seeking care, which can lead to delayed or inadequate treatment and lasting impact on a child’s overall well-being.

    In Tennessee, as of 2023, over half (55%) of children are on Tenncare and many others are uninsured. We seek to promote equitable access to mental healthcare by increasing our reach to these families and increasing the diversity of families served in our area.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has directly increased the need for neuropsychological evaluations and other specialized mental health services. We need to act now to minimize the effects of learning loss and reduced access to care. Research shows that early academic, emotional, and behavioral experiences are associated with major life outcomes like job success and overall wellbeing.

  • Your financial gift supports our scholarship fund, which allows us to serve historically marginalized youth and their families through providing access to the specialized mental health care that they need and deserve.

  • Gifts of all sizes can help make this a reality for children and need. Here are how your contributions can help:

    • $25 defers the cost of the testing materials 

    • $250 provides 3-4 sessions of educational tutoring  

    • $500 provides 4 medication management consultations

    • $1000 covers the cost of 4-5 individual therapy sessions

    • $2000 provides one comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation

    • $5000 covers a comprehensive package of services that includes a neuropsychological evaluation and a lump sum to apply to any recommended follow-up services

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